Harry Dmas

Hi Sherap,
I hope all well.
Let me know once you’ve had time to look at the below… we’r=
e keen to finalize the cost and book some flights.

On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 9:29 =
PM Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harryd=
oyneditmas@gmail.com> wrote:
Great – thanks Sherap!

So far we are thinking the following route and schedule: what d=
o you think? Will the roads give us the sights? We could spend two days in P=
okhara rather than Bhartapur if it would be better?

Nepal trip (6 day / 4 nights)

Day 1: (11th Sept): Arrive 7:20am Kathmandu. Pick up motorbike + meet gui=
de. Depart Kathmandu for Pokhara by 12 noon. 3-4hr ride. Find a place to sta=
y on road to Pokhara.

Day 2: (12th Sept) depart earlier 2-3hr=
ride to arrive Pokhara at 12 noon. Go white water rafting / trek in Pokhara=
and check into hotel Raniban – have beers. (potential to stay another day i=
n Pokhara)

Day 3: (13th Sept) Depart Pokhara 9am. 5-6hr ride =
to Bharatpur Jagatpur Lodge. 

Day 4: (14th Sept): Rest d=
ay at nature reserve – do Safari / jungle trek. 


Day 5: =
(15th Sept): Depart Bharatpur late morning for Khatmandu via Hetauda. Ride 4=
hrs and find somewhere to stay. 

Day 6: (16th Sept): De=
part Hetauda for Kathmandu and get 10pm flight back to Dubai.  

On Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 4:19 PM info@wildtracksadventure.com <info@wildtracksadve=
nture.com> wrote:

Hi Harry
for the delay. 
You are on. 
Need to discuss a few things b=
ut will mail you shortly. Just returned from a trip. Need to arrange farewel=
l to my group. 

Sherap Sherpa

Sent from my Mobi=

——– Original Message ——–=

Subject: Re: 3 full day trip in Nepal

From: Harry =
To: Sherap Sherpa 

Hi Sherap,

I hope all well.
We are now 3 of riders confirmed coming to kathmandu on the 11th Se=
ptember (8am) through to 2pm on the 15th Sept. 
Would you be able to guide us on a trip?
Two of us will rent a bike from you but =
our other rider will rent his bike separately and join us. I assume that sho=
uld be fine.
Are you free dur=
ing that time to do a trip? Really trying to get to Nepal even if it is only=
for four days! 
It woul=
d be nice to hear your thoughts on a suggested route and if this 




On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at=
9:13 AM Sherap Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventure.com> wrote:
Hi Harry

Pls let me know where you are staying in Kathmandu. I can have your money=
refunded in cash. 

On Apr 23, 2018, at 10:43 AM, =
Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi sherap – that is a real shame. 
If you are unable to do the trip – can =
you refund my deposit pls? 

On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 7:09=
AM Sherap Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventure.com> wrote:
Hi Harry
Sorry to keep you=
Was trying to arrange a guide but s=
eems like not been able to run tour for you. 
We are so fully=
booked for April and May that my two guides are not available. 

Was talking to some freelancers but am not sure I could r=
ecommend them. 
Once you arrive in Thamel, you=
can rent bikes and perhaps ride on your own.
Many =
people do that. 
Sherap Sherpa
Wild Tracks Adventur=
e – Himalayan Motorcycle Journeys
Kathmandu, Nepal. 
Tel. +977.1.4439590
Mob: +97=
dvisor: Wild Tracks Adventure
FaceBook: Wild Tracks

From: =
Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2018 11:01:14 +0000
To: Mac Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventure.com>
Subject: Re: 3 full day trip in Nepal

Hi sherap,

Just wondering if you could let me know on the below ema=
il. We’ll need to book flights soon.


On Mon, Apr 2, 20=
18 at 8:47 AM Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sherap,

No worries.
We may actually need to fly Thursday night so would pick up bikes on Friday =
27th April and return on Monday 30th April. 

Look forward to hearing from you.

On Su=
n, Apr 1, 2018 at 7:32 AM Sherap Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventure.com> wrote:
Hi Henry


Your inquiry has been well received. 
logy for taking time to get back. We were on the road. 
Your =
will hear shortly.
Please bear with us.
hank you so much! 
Sherap Sherpa
On Mar 30, 2018, at 12:3=
5 PM, Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Sherap,

I hope you are well.

Good news – my friend and I are looking to come to Nepal on =
Wed 25th April returning 29th April from Katmandu.
We would like to rent some bikes (and a guide) to take us on a quick tour of=
Nepal from Thursday Morning (26th Apr) returning Katmandu on Sunday (29th A=
pr) around Lunchtime.
Could you propose an itinerar=
y and destination? What about a return trip to Pokhara? 
Kindly give an indication of cost too.
any thanks
On 6 Jan 2018, at 12:32, Sherap Sherpa WI=
info@wildtracksadventure.com> wrote:

Hi Harry
d Happy New Year! 
Just wanted to make sure yo=
u got my email regarding the below query.
Your depo=
sit is said till November 2018. If you come on any of our tours, your deposi=
t will be considered as down payment. 
Hope all is well.&nbsp=

Sherap Sherpa

Himalayan Motorc=
ycle Journeys
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel. +977.1.4439590

Mob: +977.9851054001
Facebook: WILDTracks
m: wildtracksadventure

From: Ha=
rry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com>
Wed, 06 Dec 2017 08:49:28 +0000
To: Mac Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventure.com>
Subject: Re: 2 full day trip in Nepal

Hi Sherap,
Thanks for this.

I wanted to follow up on the deposit that I paid you for the tr=

I’m fine for =
you to keep it on the basis that if we do a trip next year (likely for longe=
r than two days) you will give me a discount next time. Would this be okay?
Also, what time of the =
year would you recommned to arrange another trip? Possibly for 5 days over a=
weekend? Maybe in the spring?
On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 2:31 PM <info@wildtracksadventu=
re.com> wrote:
Hi Harry

Very sorry to hear the news. 
Such is life. I am halfway to Kathmandu from my village. Just saw th=
e missed call. I was riding. 

Dont worry about our side. Ongchu was excited for another tour. But no =

I hope you can =
find another flight at your cpnvenient time. 



On Thu, Nov 30=
, 2017 at 3:21 PM +0545, “Harry Doyne-Ditmas” <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com>&nb=

Hi Sherap,

Bad news – I’m afraid I haven’t caught the flight. The air=
line wouldn’t let me on the plane due to a ticketing issue with a miss=
pelt name… I’m absolutely gutted as I was looking forward to this tr=
ip immensely. 
Unfortunately the flights tomor=
row weren’t well timed and are were very expensive! 
I’m very sorry for the inconvenience – I’ve been lo=
oking forward to the trip and now won’t be able to make it. 

I know I paid a deposit – is there any chance of a part=
ial refund? 
I’d still love to do a trip=
with you guys, maybe next year with some friends too.

Sorry again.

Sent from my iPhone
n Nov 24, 2017, at 12:01 PM, Sherap Sherpa WILD TRACKS <info@wildtracksadventure.com> wrote:

Hi Harry
Somehow I have only r=
eceived $124 from you on 21 Nov. 2017. 
Please check with you=
r bank. It seems like they took the fee from my amount. 
Balance due : $251
Sherap Sherpa
Himalayan Motorcycle Journeys
Kathmandu, Nepal.

Tel. +977.1.4439590

Mob: +977.9851054001
Facebook: W=
Instagram: wildtracksadventure

Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 19:04:19 +0400
To: Mac Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventure.com>Subject: Re: 2 full day trip i=
n Nepal
Hi =

Thanks for these. I’m really looking forwar=
d to the upcoming trip! I assume we will be able to see Everest from Jiri?!

I’ve made the transfer of $150 to your account.=
I will pay the balance upon arrival in USD.
Will y=
ou send directions or instructions with how to get to your location on Frida=
y morning. What time would you like to start the ride? 

I’m arriving Thursday evening, any suggestions for a beer?&n=
Can’t wait.

On 2=
0 Nov 2017, at 07:37, <info@wildtracksadventure.com> <info@wildtracksadventure.com> =

Hi Harry

Try Sams=
ara Resort in Thamel. 
Or Pil=
grims Guest House in Thamel. 
Ambassador Hotel in Lazimpat is great too. Slightly upmarket. 





On =
Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 10:11 PM +0545, “Harry Doyne-Ditmas” <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.co=
m> wrote:

Hi Sherap,

Good news – my driving license has arrived! Will transfer =
over the deposit tomorrow.
I also just wondered, wo=
uld you recommend anywhere to stay in Katmandu either hotel or guest house? =
Is there somewhere convenient that is close to the airport / where you are b=
ased that you would recommend? If not i’ll just book somewhere online =
that is close to your address below. 

On 15 Nov 2017, at 09=
:42, Sherap Sherpa WILD TRACKS <info@wildtracksadventure.com> wrote:

Hi Harry
You are welcome!&n=
Here is a link that shows the route map. We wi=
ll go clock wise. 
Some sections on the first part t=
owards Jiri from Dolalghat is quite dusty. The road is being expanded into t=
wo lanes. 
On the way back from Jiri, the road is beautiful t=
hru Manthali. The road follows a big river called Sun Kosi (river of Gold).&=

Sherap Sherpa
Himalayan Mot=
orcycle Journeys
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel. +977.1.4439590

Mob: +977.9851054001
Facebook: WILDTracks
gram: wildtracksadventure

From: Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.co=
Date: Tue, 14 Nov =
2017 17:20:12 +0000
To: Mac =
Sherpa <inf=
Re: 2 full day trip in Nepal
Hi Sherap,
17;m just waiting for my license in the post before I transfer 50% deposit: =
it should arrive by Friday. 
Thanks for patience.
ase can you also send the route we will be taking?

On Fri, N=
ov 10, 2017 at 10:35 AM Sherap Sherpa WILD TRACKS <info@wildtracksadventure.com>=
Hi Harry
Thank you so much for you=
r kind understanding. 
If you want you can send full amount. =
The wire transfer fee will be same anyway whether you do 50% or full down pa=
Please find my bank details below. 

Acc. Name: Sherap Lama
Acc. No. 18-1053132-01


Bank: Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Lt=
d., Lazimpat Branch, Kathmandu, Nepal
Swift Code: SCBLNPKA


Bank Address:
    Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd.
    Lazimpat Branch=
    P.O. Box 39=
    Lazimpat =
Kathmandu Nepal
sp; Tel. 977.1.4418456
    Fax. 977.1.4417428

My Address:
Sherap Lama=
Rani Marg-4, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal. 

Mobile: +977.9851054001


Sherap Sherpa

Himalayan Motorcycl=
e Journeys
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel. +977.1.4439590

Mob: +977.9851054001

Facebook: WILDTracks
Instagram: =

From: Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2017 15:22:19 +0000


To: Mac Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventu=
Subject: Re: =
2 full day trip in Nepal

Hi Sherap,
Thanks for your email. I agree to $375 – thank you fo=
r coming down a little. Please provide bank details for me to make the trans=
I will bring my dr=
iving license and will arrange additional travel insurance. I will also brin=
g my health insurance card. 
I am British and 29 yrs old. I have ridden a motorbike since I was 17. =
I started on a Honda 125cc – then went to a Sizuki bandit 400cc – Triumph 40=
0cc – Triumph Daytona 955cc. In my old job I used to commute 130km a day on =
a motorbike for 18 months.
I =
have also done a few week long motorbike camping trips theough Europe over a=
2000km trip I’d think. more recently a long day ride in SRI Lanka on =
a Royal Enfield with a pillion. 
I completely agree with being slow and safe!! That is the top prior=
ity. Glad to hear I’m in good hands. 

Really excited for the trip. If you could send me the ro=
ute I will do a bit of research as like to know a bit about what/where I am =
traveling through. 

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 11:20 AM Sherap Sherpa WILD TRACKS <info@wildtracksa=
dventure.com> wrote:
Hi Harry
You a=
re welcome! Yes, rental bikes are $40-45 per day but you will know when you =
rent one of those. There will always be few things that you will have to com=
Parts are not easily available and these rental com=
panies are not serious in maintenance.  
as my bikes are only used on packaged guided tours and never rented out. I b=
ring my own parts from India and keep stock. And I specialize in small group=
s. I maintain a small fleet of my own royal enfields. 

If there are more people I could definitely run this trip for less =
cost. But since it will be only you, that’s why $400. However, I am ha=
ppy to bring down $25 and run this trip for $375. 


Please let me know if this works for you. And the helmets I provide are=
not cheap either. I have Italian AGV branded helmets and imported gloves. T=
hey are not shiny new though, they have been used by my previous riders yet =
still in excellent shape. 
Yes, boots and helm=
ets are fine provided that they are warm enough. It will be cold in the morn=
ing and evenings. 
Documentation: motorbike li=
cense is a must. Doesn’t have to be international, just the one from y=
our country is good enough. 
Insurance: please=
insure yourself in the country of your origin. My bikes are all insured (ma=
ndatory) but claiming the insurance after an incident is a nightmare here in=
country like ours. Visit to the site, etc. 
Better to stay s=
afe, ride safe, go slow and enjoy the journeys. And I will say this, you are=
in good hands. 
May I know your nationality a=
nd how many years have you been riding? What bikes have you ridden so far an=
d what was the longest bike trip you have done? 


Sherap Sherpa

Himalayan Motorcycle Journeys

Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel. +9=
Mob: +977.9851054001
Facebook: WILDTracks

Instagram: wildtracksadventure

From: Harry Doyne-Ditmas <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2017 06:18:11 +0000=

To: Mac Sherpa <info@wildtracksadventu=
Subject: Re: =
2 full day trip in Nepal

Hi Sherap Sherpa,
ks for getting back to me – sounds awesome!!


I’ve spoken to a few places and it looks like rental i=
s approx $40 per day for a Royal Enfield 500 or similar. Based on paying for=
two bikes for two days that’s $160 just on rental – let’s say $=
200 including fuel. 
I a=
ppreciate all the other extras costs you outline on the trip and would be ha=
ppy to agree a price of $350 for the two days. I am fine to pay 50% in depos=
it should you agree to this. I think this is a bit higher than other places =
but you come highly recommended so happy to pay a bit more.
Is there any specific documentation that I ne=
ed to bring? Do I need to arrange seperate Insurance for riding the motorbik=
In terms of clothing, I as=
sume just boots and a jacket should be fine as the weather is still quite mi=
Look forward to eat=
ing from you.


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 5:55 AM Sherap Sherpa W=
ILD TRACKS <info@wildtracksadventure.com> wrote:

Hi Harry

Sure I can do this trip for you. Will do Jiri O=
vernight Ride.
Jiri is in the East of Kathmandu roughly 160km. Beautiful =
road, amazing mountain views on a clear day. Road passes thro=
ugh many
beautiful terraced rice fields and there are some amazing river =
Hotel is very basic and food are simple but the reward is amazing.=
used to be the main gateway to Everest before the advent of airplan=
around 1950s. It still is. Many trekkers to Everest still want to star=
they trek from Jiri. It is often referred to as Switzerland of Nepal.
Price $400 since it is only one person tour.

INCLUDES: Tour gui=
de, Royal Enfield bike with fuel, 2 lunches, one dinner,
one breakfast. S=
ingle room. Mechanical support.
EXCLUDES: Hotel and food in Kathmandu, ba=
r bills, emergency rescue and
insurance, repair charge for (if any) physi=
cal damage to the bike due to

NOTE: Helmet and gloves=
can be provided free of charge.

PAYMENT: A 50% downpayment is requir=
ed to confirm the trip. Balance can be
paid cash upon arrival.


Sherap Sherpa
Himalayan Motorcyc=
le Journeys
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Tel. +977.1.4439590
Mob: +977.9851054=
Facebook: WILDTracks
Instagram: wildtracksadventure

On 11/8/17, 5:50 PM, “Harry Doyne-Ditmas” <harrydoyneditmas@gmail.com>

>Hi There,
>I was sent your details by Ajit at J=
oe=A9=F6s motorbike place – he is
>unfortunately closed but recommended yo=
u guys highly!
>I=A9=F6m coming to Khatmandu on the 30th Nov and w=
ould like to start a
>motorbike ride early on the 1st Dec and would ai=
m to be back in Khatmandu
>on the evening of the 2nd Dec.
gt;I know this is only one evening (and two full days) of travel but I was>hoping that you guys had a bike and guide that could take me on some c=
>sites around the country in this time?
>I=A9=F6ve done =
a number of motorbike trips in Europe and Sri Lanka and would
>love to=
do something in Nepal.
>Really looking forward to seeing if t=
his is something you can help with.
>Sent from my iPhone